Holy Admonitions


You have begun your career heavenward; run, and look not back, but keep your eye upon Jesus, and so run that you may at last attain the crown of glory laid up for you in heaven, which Jesus will give you in the last day.


Beloved in the Lord, how is it with your soul?
Are you traveling onward?
And what part of the heavenly road are you in now?

Never forget that Jesus is with you; and although, through the mists of this poor world, which the enemy may draw around you, you may lose the sensible presence of your best and constant Friend, yet when the mists obscure your sight, call upon Him at once, and rest not until your language is,“I cried unto God with my voice, and He gave ear to me”.

Precious sister in Jesus, I bless God on your account. He has done great things for you, whereof my heart rejoices. Hold fast your confidence. Suffer not the enemy or his emissaries to beguile you of your rich reward. He has many agents, but ask the Lord that you may know; and strengthen you to overcome them in His name. You are like one who has conquered a mighty foe, but have too hastily gone into the midst of the enemy’s camp again; and you re beset on the right and on the left. Look afresh to Him who once helped you to conquer, and you will find him a present help in time of need.

You have begun your career heavenward; run, and look not back, but keep your eye upon Jesus, and so run that you may at last attain the crown of glory laid up for you in heaven, which Jesus will give you in the last day.

Read much in the Psalms. You will always find a word there to meet your case and present necessity.

– Mary Winslow


Soli Deo Gloria!


Follow Him


The LORD is my shepherd – Psalm 23:1


We are such forgetful creatures; too often forgetting what we are, and what a God He is.

How poor and unsatisfying are all things here below; even the best and the loveliest! Oh, to walk more intimately with Him, to live above the world, and hold the creature with a looser hand, taking God’s Word as our guiding light; our unfailing spring of comfort.

God is my Shepherd, and all my concerns are in His hands. Blessed, forever blessed, be His dear and holy name, who has looked with everlasting mercy on such a poor, vile sinner as me; and encouraged me with such sweet manifestations of His love, to trust my soul and all my interests in His hands!

The world and its ‘nothings’ are often a sad snare to God’s saints. Oh that by faith we may overcome it all, and keep close to Jesus! We are not of the world. Let us try and not attend to its gewgaws! Keep a more steadfast, unwavering eye upon Christ. He has gone a little before us, and stands beckoning us to follow. Live for eternity! Let go your hold upon the world!

Let us aim in all things to follow Him who, despising this world’s show, left us an example how we should walk. Have your lamp trimmed and brightly burning, for every day and every hour brings us nearer and nearer to our home!

Dearest Jesus! help Your pilgrims to live more like pilgrims, above a poor dying world, and more in full view of the glory that awaits them when they shall see You face to face!

-Mary Winslow






Soli Deo Gloria!


A Loving Physician

My groaning is not hid from thee. —Psalm 38:9

One of the strongest and sweetest consolations God gives to His sick and afflicted ones is the assurance that He not only “knows their sorrows” and tenderly sympathizes with them in their griefs, but that the appointment of the trial proceeds from Him, and that its whole course and continuance are watched by Him with infinite love and care.

As a physician keeps his finger on a suffering patient’s pulse, that he may know just the limit to which pain may be safely endured, so does our God hold our right hand while we are passing through the furnaces of trial that lie on our road to heaven, that He may support us through them and bring us forth in due time to praise Him for His comforting and sustaining grace.

Do remember, dear friend, that the God you love, the master you serve, is never indifferent to your grief or unwilling to hear your cry.

In time of trouble, the soul is greatly helped by cherishing great thoughts of God; they are sure to induce great longings after Him, great faith in Him, and great love toward Him.

Pain, whether bodily, mental, or spiritual, is always unwelcome and at first sight wears an aspect that alarms and discomforts us. But it is often an angel in disguise, and many times we have found that, underneath its terrible exterior, there are hidden the tender smiles of God’s love, the gentle discipline of His teaching, and the sweet pity of His marvelous forbearance.

-Susannah Spurgeon

Soli Deo Gloria!